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Welcome to the second half of the Autumn term in Swans.

This half-term in English we will be exploring the books 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen and 'Billy and the beast' by Nadia Shireen. We will be writing speech bubbles, letters, character descriptions and recipes.

In maths, we will learn about addition and subtraction and using part-whole models, number sentences and number bonds. We will also revisit learning on 2D and 3D shapes.

Science focusses on 'Animals and their needs', where we will be classifying animal types and examining their characteristics. We will be 'Discovering history' by revisiting family trees and looking at Brandon in the past. We are excited to experience our first Design Technology lessons this half-term, and we will be designing and making our own sock puppets from scratch. Life Skills' focus is relationships, when we ask 'Who is special to us?' and think about our families and friendships closely. In computing, we will be learning more about e-safety and digital painting, and PE will involve fitness and invasion games.

In RE, we focus on Christianity and the Christmas Story, which also links in with participating in our key stage one and EYFS Nativity production in December! Music lessons will also be supporting our production, but we will also focus on music telling stories from the past in other music lessons.