Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is funding that is based on the number of pupils receiving Free School Meals. Historically, pupils receiving FSM make slower progress and achieve lower results than those children who do not receive FSM. This is a national issue. The purpose of the Pupil Premium is to target support to ‘narrow the gap’. At September 2019, there were 69 pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. This equates to 25% of the number on roll.
What the school aims to achieve from the Pupil Premium funding:
To close any in-school gaps in attainment and progress rates between pupils receiving funding and those who do not and ultimately to ensure that the attainment and progress rates of pupils receiving pupil premium funding is at least in line with that of all non-disadvantaged pupils nationally.
‘Identified Barriers to Achievement for Those Eligible for Pupil Premium’ Funding:
- High probability of low aspirations and expectations – limited focus on importance of a good education
- High probability of narrow experience of life outside of school and locality
- High probability of limited experience of reading and books
- High probability of limited language development
- High probability of low prior attainment
- High probability of disengagement with learning and reluctance to take risks
- High probability of SEN
- High probability of limited concentration and weak behaviours for learning
- High probability of a lack of engagement in home/school learning.
- High probability of involvement in early help and/or social care (TAC/CIN/CP)
- High probability of low participation in wider aspects of school life and other activities beyond school
How the impact will be measured:
Glade Academy have scheduled termly reviews as part of the school’s annual assessment calendar, analysing attainment and progress of children eligible for pupil premium compared with the national picture for disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged children. At Glade we also compare the pupil premium group with those that are not eligible to help identify any further trends or barriers.