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School Uniform

Glade Academy Uniform Policy

All children are required to wear our branded Glade Academy uniform. All children must have a school logo sweatshirt or cardigan. Other blue jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans are not permitted.

Uniform can be purchased from Corporate Tiger

(found by clicking: and items are sent straight to your home.

Alternatively, call 01638 717172.

MONTHLY UNIFORM EXCHANGE (run by CoGS, our Community of Glade School):

COGS run a MONTHLY UNIFORM EXCHANGE on the playground (see Class Dojo for more information in the lead up to the events). 

You can bring along uniform (including footwear) which your child has grown out of and swap this for the right size at the uniform exchange. 

You can simply select and take uniform which your child needs, or you can make a small donation to CoGS.

The school has a washing machine and a dryer and all uniform donated to CoGS is washed and dried before being added to the Uniform Exchange.

Uniform list

  • Grey or black trousers/skirts (or shorts in summer term)
  • Sky blue shirt/polo shirt (with collar)
  • Black, grey or blue socks/tights
  • Blue chequered summer dresses (in the summer term)

P.E. Uniform

  • EYFS/KS1 – Black shorts and a white t-shirt
  • KS2 – Black shorts and a team colour t-shirt
  • Plimsolls or trainers (both with adequate tread for grip) for outdoor work
  • Plain tracksuit for colder weather
  • Swimming trunks or shorts/swimming costumes (not bikinis) for when the class goes swimming (in KS2); all children must have a swimming hat
  • Children must have a drawstring labelled bag to keep their PE kit in

It is also recommended that children bring a hat to school during the summer months. Jeans and jewellery are not permitted for school wear (jewellery can get caught on other children or on objects and apparatus when running around, and is a safety hazard). Studs or very small sleeper earrings are the only types acceptable and for safety reasons these must be removed for PE and swimming activities. Please note, staff are not able to put ear-studs etc. back in if the child cannot manage it.


Children should wear low-heeled, plain black shoes; for safety reasons, shoes with platform soles, high heels or open toes are not permitted. Shoes should be plain black with no other markings and suitable for your child to run about in the playground. For PE lessons, children should have a separate pair of plimsolls/trainers. In bad weather boots/wellies may be worn to travel to and from school to be changed into normal school shoes on arrival.


All children, girls and boys, are required to tie hair up where it is long enough to do so; for safety, hair must be tied up in PE. In swimming, we require that all children wear a swimming cap. Children should not have extreme hairstyles including dyed hair, mohicans, mohawks, completely shaved heads, tramlines or hair with shaved sections as these can serve as a distraction to other children and undermine the overall smart appearance of our pupils. These fashion hairstyles should be kept for school holidays.

Hair accessories (ties and clips) must be plain, unobtrusive, and blue, black or white. Blue gingham (checked) scrunchies may be worn by the girls with the summer uniform.

Fashion Items

Fashion items are best kept for home, and fashion accessories such as make-up, nail polish and jewellery, other than stud earrings and watches, must not be worn.

Fashion and availability of items from the high street change rapidly, and therefore it is not possible to cater for every possibility within our policy. Therefore, the school reserves the right to decide what is or is not allowed, both in uniform and general appearance, in cases not catered for by specific rules.

It would be advisable, when in doubt, for parents to contact the school before spending money on items which may not comply with our uniform policy.

Mobile phones are only permitted for KS2 pupils whose parents have authorised them walking to and from school by themselves. Separate information and guidance is available for parents of KS2 children.

The school cannot accept responsibility for valuables and jewellery brought to school by the children. Please remember to clearly label all bags, uniform and PE kits with your child’s name.