Welcome to the Finches' page for Spring One
Welcome to Spring One term. We hope that you had a lovely festive break and are as ready and raring to get stuck into this half-term as we are!
English: We will be developing our writing skills using the texts 'The Island' by Armin Greder and the first book in the Lizzie and Belle Mysteries by JT Williams.
Maths: We will further develop our knowledge and understanding of Multiplication, Division and Fractions before moving on to Decimals and Percentages.
Science: We are learning about Living Things and their Habitats.
Geography: We will be travelling to the other side of the world to learn more about Australia this half-term.
History: We are learning all about the French Revolution.
R.E.: We are building on our prior learning of Hinduism and thinking about the question, 'How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?'
P.E.: Will be Basketball and Dance this half-term.
Music: In Music we will be exploring time and key signatures and lots of singing.
Life Skills: We will be exploring and thinking about the question, 'What jobs would we like?'
French: We will be learning how to ask for food and items when we are out shopping.
Art: Is all about exploring different ways of printing throughout history and we will be doing lots of practical printing along the way.