Welcome to the Spring term in Swans.
This half-term in English we will be exploring the books 'The Comet' by Joe Todd-Stanton and 'The Odd Egg' by Emily Gravett. We will be writing letters of advice, poems, recipes, thought and speech bubbles, and diary entries.
In maths, we will learn about place value to 20, building on last term's work on 1-10. We will then apply our addition and subtraction skills up to 20 and focus on learning the number bonds.
Science focusses on 'the seasons and the weather', where we will be revisiting previous learning on seasons and deepening our knowledge. We will also investigate weather, including types of clouds and measuring weather. We will be exploring the United Kingdom in Geography and learning about the four countries that make up the UK.
In art, we will be learning all about line art and looking at the artists Paul Klee and Joan Miró's examples. Life Skills' focus is the world of work when we ask 'What jobs do people have?' In computing, we will be learning more about e-safety and programming. PE will cover target games and dance.
In RE, we focus on Christianity and ask 'Was it always easy for Jesus to show friendship?' Music lessons will focus on exploring sound, and we think about the question; 'How does music make the world a better place?' We will be using glockenspiels to practice the notes F, G and A.