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Supporting children at home helps your children to achieve their full potential. You and your children can access useful resources to help them with this.

English - Reading

Oxford Owl have a wonderful e-library that you can explore for free:

Free eBook library | Oxford Owl from Oxford University Press


English - Spelling

Practise spelling the year 1 common exception words. Just select year 1 on this game:

Little Bird Spelling || Practise spelling Common Exception Words



The White Rose 1-minute maths app is a fantastic, free app that can help children practise their essential maths knowledge such as number bonds and times tables. Download it here:

Google Play: 1-minute White Rose

AppApple App Store: 1-minute White Rose App


Hit the button is another great game that children love and will help them to become faster and more fluent at number bonds and times-tables. The web based version is free and can be accessed here:

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds